Powerful Communication

Final Summary

  • Going back to the last person who did a similar presentation helps a lot.The introduction, body and conclusion of your presentation. Is it impactful?
  • How have you planned the first and last 30 seconds?
  • You should restate your idea and then move to closure.
  • Remember to collect and present the data required for the presentation.
  • In event of the main presentation getting affected by external factors, have a solid plan-B to wow your audience.
  • Choose the factors and points that help you strike the right chord with your audience.
  • What style will suit which presentation? You decide! The manuscript style, memorized speech, Impromptu, extemporaneous.
  • What kind of seating style have you planned for your presentation? Does it suit the group you have to address?
  • Remember the first few seconds make the most impact.
  • Keep your verbal cue cards with you when presenting.
  • Remember eye contact is the most prominent and important of non-verbal cues.
  • Read the non-verbal cues of the group. Keep them in sync with your audience.
  • Allot a suitable amount of time for a Q&A session
  • Answer sincerely and read audience intention behind the question.
  • If there are no questions, then turn tables and ask them counter question from the presentation to check understanding.
  • Use NLP an indirect way of implanting suggestions in the minds of the   listener through the choice of words.
  • Do a video recording to see how well you present.
  • Visualization is a powerful tool to make your presentation fantastic.
  • Meditation is just simply breathing in and breathing out till you are calm.
  • Give yourself a few pats on the back and you’ll find your confidence going up.
  • Release nervous energy through a short exercise.
  • Doing a couple of jaw and facial exercises can go a long way in a good presentation.
  • Convey a positive energy and excitement and you will receive the same in return.
  • Humor boosts the audience’s  abiity  to remember by 20 percent.
  • Picture the audience seeing it as a visual will help them experience the story.
  • What type of audience are you prepared for? Visual, Auditory, or Kinesthetic? How will you tune your presentation to each type? Given the audience a little of each will help.
  • Creative has no bound, from a glove puppet, a dice, and a doubt bell anything to add creative appeal and involve your audience?
  • Knowing your audience well is half the job well done.
  • A smile is the best credibility you can offer.
  • Know the common types of hecklers who can interrupt your presentation - Mr. Expert, Mr. Funnyman, Mr. Attitude, Mr. Loud mouth, Mr. Aside
  • All audiences will not be the same, one group may respond differently from another.
  • Gauging your audience will help you adjust your presentation to suit them.
  • Is your audience from a high context culture or low context culture?
  • Flip charts, posters, white board, handouts, Power point presentations - what will be your visuals of choice?

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