Powerful Communication

Visualization exercise

 Sit in a quiet place, close your eyes and visualize yourself making a presentation. Clearly, and in great detail, see yourself getting up from your seat. Picture what you are wearing, and see yourself walking up to the podium. Visualize yourself looking at the audience and smiling at each of them. See yourself greeting the audience and introducing yourself. Now watch yourself making the opening statement and smoothly gliding through the presentation. Watch how easily you transit from one point to the other making your presentation.

Picture yourself answering their questions confidently. Now hear their thunderous applause and cheering. See yourself smiling, feel the confidence in yourself, the energy in your body, and watch yourself walking back to your seat. Like in a movie reel, picture each of these scenes in great detail.

Meditation Exercise
 Meditation helps calm your nerves. You do not have to know any specific technique for this. Deep breathing is meditative. This  is a  good  technique  to  be  practiced  before  you  start  the  presentation. Take deep breaths inhaling and exhaling slowly and clench and unclench your fists along with it. Feel the air going in and coming out. It can slow  your  heart beat and  speech  tempo. Alternately,  focus on an object  and allow your  mind  to go blank. Don’t force yourself to wipe away thoughts.  Just  allow  yourself  to sit  and  the mind  will  become  quieter in a  while. Focusing on an object will help the mind to distract itself from stray thoughts that keep coming up.


  • Visualization is a powerful tool to make your presentation fantastic.
  • Meditation is just simply breathing in and breathing out till you are calm.



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